Become a member of Valor to get access to exclusive content. Bulk discounts are also available.

pride memberships for churches

  • Do you want to get our content available to a larger audience? For churches and/or groups consisting of 25 people or more, memberships are generously half off the ticket price!
  • Access to Online Conferences Including Past Re-Plays

  • Access to Valor Online Community

  • Access to Future Membership Courses

  • Contact us for more information!











Can I cancel my membership?

Yes, you may cancel your subscription at any time. Login to your account, select “Account” from the “My Account” drop-down list and select “Subscriptions.” From there, you will be able to suspend or delete your subscription. However, if you cancel your subscription, you will no longer have access to the Legacy pricing.

Can my membership become tax deductible?

 We are in the process of becoming a 501(c)(3) so your memberships will have the perk of becoming tax-deductible in the future. 

Can I become a sponsor?

Yes! We are looking for organizations to partner with as sponsors. For background, we are an official state recognized non-profit and in the process of obtaining our 501(c)(3) status so the sponsorship you offer has the benefit of becoming tax-deductible. We also have a Board of Directors and a Board of Advisors who will be involved in ensuring the donations will be funneled to the proper channels.

What if I'm having issues with the site?

Reach out to us in the contact form to let us know.

Can I get a discount for my church?

Yes. We offer generous discounts on bulk purchases. Please contact us via our contact form for more.

Will the membership pricing always stay the same?

As long as you’re a member at our Legacy pricing (also known as our early bird special) and you never cancel your subscription, the pricing for you will always remian the amount you paid. However, the pricing of the memberships themselves will eventually go up in price, which is why this is the best time to get a membership with Valor.

Do you offer any in-person conferences?

Not yet, but hopefully soon. We are looking to go beyond digital conferences in the future by holding in-person conferences and hybrid conferences.

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